Hermès Similes and Metaphors


Addicted to H
Jan 15, 2006
I saw some feisty lobsters at the grocery store this afternoon and bought them on impulse. When I got home, I googled for Thomas Keller's Butter Poached Lobster recipe, and found the following webpage which shamelessly copies an old NYT article:

Why did I post this? Because Florence Fabricant describes Keller's lobster like this:
“The recipe hit bookstores in 1999, and since then butter-poached lobster has spread from its original home in the Napa Valley to restaurants across the country and as far afield as Vancouver, the Bahamas and London, sometimes in variations that Mr. Keller would scarcely recognize.

"Now, threatening to become as commonplace as a tuna tartare appetizer or a molten chocolate cake dessert, the dish is achieving status as a main course, like a culinary Birkin bag."
What else can you compare to Hermès?
Would you believe that even fatuous information technology nerds compare things to Hermès bags?
Musical and artistic influence and possibilities within the IT context

This little essay is not going to exploit the possibilities of IT itself, but the possibilities rather which could be given young people of disabled and disadvantages backgrounds as well to have a more eased access to the IT professional possibilities via music and creativity.

It perhaps or not true that we have either “accountant” or artistic barin halves which predominate in us according to genes; experiences in early life and later can influence that and bring us possibilities to move over from one side, the rational one, to the irrational one, the creative side.

In industrial society the rational has been promoted and the creative has often been down marked as silly but unnecessary assessories to the human behaviour, just like a kelly bag of the sixties.
Silly and unnecessary?? Oh my.
This is from a review on salon.com of Jerry Hall's reality show where she searches for the ideal "boy toy":

She later told the camera that if she were younger, she would've gone for big blond boy Austen (whom she called the "Birkin bag" of arm accessories), but now that she's older, she wants to be around a guy who can make her laugh.

Wait!? Isn't a Birkin bag the Birkin bag of arm accessories??