HELP!!!! How to clean suede boots?


shopping IS my therapist
Feb 20, 2006
Im sooooooo mad right now!
I left my newly bought of brown suede boots on the area rug.
I woke up this morning to find that there is this funky smell coming from the boots. I turned the lights on to see why.

Lo and behold, it was PISS stains.

my boyfriend's dog PISSED on my boots!!!!

I know it was dog piss because he pissed on my socks before, so i recognize the smell.

Im so mad right now. I dont know how to get the smell out! I tried liquid dish washer and a old toothbrush. I tried that 5 times!!!! Nothing is working. Please, can someone give me some advice on what to do!??!??!

any advice is appreciated. TIA!
Oh jeez :Push:

The only thing that I know that will get that smell out is one of those enzyme cleaners you can get at the pet supply store but I don't know how that would affect suede:confused1:. Maybe try it on a small inconspicuous area? Good luck!