Funny "Louie" story ....

Great story. I just returned from a 10 day trip back East - Boston and New England - and was always at a loss as to where to put my new Speedy. She ended up sharing a chair, most of the time, with my 3 year old daughter.
littlepanda said:

I live in a country where the number of cockroaches probably outnumbers the total human population at least a few times over. Especially now that it's the summer... cockroaches are everywhere :sick: I always make sure to leave my purse in my lap, or on a chair next to me.

I remember Taiwanese cockroaches can fly too... :yucky:
but then you have to wonder how dirty your feet are, since you use the restroom. i get grossed out tying my shoe laces because i think about all the germs on it that are especially caught in the restroom. i read in a magazine never put your purse on the floor especially in the bathroom girls!
luckycardslady said:
but then you have to wonder how dirty your feet are, since you use the restroom. i get grossed out tying my shoe laces because i think about all the germs on it that are especially caught in the restroom. i read in a magazine never put your purse on the floor especially in the bathroom girls!

yeah, the hooks are the best places for them, as long as they aren't right on the other side of the stall doors...too easy for someone to grab :blink:
awwww how sweet of him to do that! I hate leaving my purse on the floor and will only do so if I absolutely must...I'm sure he tuned into you not wanting to do that either and was nice enough to give Louie his own chair :smile:
Great story! I'm sure that all of us have done some strange things in public to avoid placing our bags on the floor (me included).

But once, I saw a woman unfold a cloth napkin from the restaurant table, place it on the floor, and then place her bag on top of the napkin. (And it wasn't even a big-time bag.) I thought that was a little over the top...