Favorite Foreign Phrases

^^ Oh, me, too!

Dave Barry wrote about a vacation in London. He observed that the English tend to utter phrases that sound so made up. As an example, he talked about how he asked for directions. Someone would give the directions and at the end, say something like "and Jack's a Donut, there you are."

I find myself saying Jack's a Donut often.
Now you mention it, I use a lot of phrases, maybe too much :nuts:
Here are a few:

Mea (maxima) culpa
Carpe diem

Crème de la crème
Faux pas
Je ne sais pas

Hasta la vista
I say 'hola.' (Sometimes even in the correct way!)

I remember when I saw Step Up. I was staying at my aunt's house at the time, and had to get a ride to the theatre. When I called for a ride, I told him the movie was over. In a move reminiscent of Karen Walker (when she was on the phone with Rosario), I said, "hola" and hung up.
well, I am chinese so I say "Ai Ya" a lot when i hurt myself, or made a mistake or did some stupid silly things. Then back in school my american friends started using that phase too!

I'm not Chinese but say 'ai ya' when I drop something or forget something. I'm Asian so I guess it doesn't sound too strange coming out of my mouth lol.
i hate phwoar, it makes my head want to implode :Push:

wanker is a fantastic word. i use wanky far too often.

my favourite word (although i can't say it's particularly foreign to me) is that great old finnish word: perkele. my very favourite swear word, it technically means devil but its best and most descriptive definition is probably the one i heard from one of my father's friends: satan's grandfather.


Hey annanas: How do you pronounce this word? Can I use it on my professor?