Ever had a day where you'd just wish things would stay that way....

OK UPDATE: so in true fashion, family is acting up again. ARGH ... I KNEW it couldn't last but darn, can't they just surprise me pleasantly for once?!?!:Push:

- i'm glad the summer is going well and the kids are less stressed =) it's hard to keep toxic ppl away from your life ... especially when they're relatives!! :nogood:

Guccimama - i hear you that life is short and the good times should be cherished. it's just that it feels phony to look back on that 1 day of the year and say "Ah we were happy then!" when you're dealing with their nonsense the other 364 days of the year.... :sweatdrop:

Amanda - Oh i hear you alright... i know what you mean... why couldn't things just stay that way without all the additional complications and developments etc etc right ?? :confused1:

Hey i'm so sorry to hear that! i'm sure it's very disappointing since you were organizing everything and all ready to embark on a family vacation.

did you talk to dad and maybe do something shorter instead? 2-3 days? that might be more manageable to your dad? or tell him he can hang out on the beach/pool/whatever feature if he wants some time out...

Let us know how it goes. *hugs* Bubbles

I wish :sad: Today was rotten. I worked really hard to assemble a family vacation for my Mom, Dad, sister and I. I mean it took me weeks to do, and it was my idea, because my family has never been on a vacation together, just us. Big deal to me, because I graduate in May of next year, and I wanted to do it just once, just once before I leave school.

I had to beg my sister to go; she's really socially-oriented at her college, and puts her friends before anything else; she didn't want to leave for the trip but I talked her into it after a while. My Mom complained I was using up the last of her vacation days (she's already been on 4 vacations this summer already). Dad said okay without issue, so we leased out a house in a lovely area. I've been so excited about it...

Then today, I get a call from my Dad that just broke me: he canceled my trip. He said he didn't want to "deal" with my Mom and sister for a week, because of their constant bickering. Didn't even ask me, just canceled it :crybaby:I'm so sad right now I don't know what to do. I haven't been on a vacation at all in three years, and all I wanted was one family vacation. I just don't know what to do now. For once I had something to look forward to during summer. I wish that just for a week, my family could get along and we could have a good time, but apparently no one is willing to give it a try. Normally I put more faith in my Dad, but this time he really disappointed me.