Does Your Personality Change When You're Online ?

My opinions remain the same, but I try to word my replies very carefully, to avoid sounding like a jerk or being misunderstood. It doesn't always work; sometimes I just can't type what I'm thinking and there isn't an emoticon to say it!
Yes and most people do not come across as their natural personalities on line. Including me. I suspect I would come off as nicer and quieter.

No one I've met "from online" which basically includes a few dudes (from Match a LONG time ago) and some lovely TPF members) have resembled their online personalities. It's not good or bad.. but on-line affords liberties (when one is not known) than otherwise. BTW all TPF members I met are very sweet in real life!!!!
My opinions remain the same, but I try to word my replies very carefully, to avoid sounding like a jerk or being misunderstood.

Ditto! I'm more careful when voicing my opinions online, especially in such an international setting. How I feel about topics online and offline remain the same, but being able to re-read and edit my responses give me that much more leeway to be nicer :P
I actually have no idea, I would have to ask somebody who knows me online and irl. I think I am the same but I could be wrong. I am pretty quiet irl, maybe online I am more "talkative" lol.
I think I am the same but I am more careful when expressing my opinions, bc it´s an international forum, and english is not my native language, so easy to be misunderstood.
I would say that i'm probably a little more outspoken online and a little more confrontational, although I usually regret that, since I'm completely non-confrontational in real life.
On here, I'm pretty much like myself in rl- slightly dorky, kinda quiet, sometimes say goofy things, etc.

HOWEVER, in other places, like the car board I admin (full of guys), I have a reputation as being kind of b%#$3y. But a car board full of men can get a little rougher than a purse board full of women, and I don't put up with any crap from them.