Dept. Stores v. Boutique: prices same or not?

Ive seen some bags that are exactly the same (and not on sale) priced a couple hundred dollars higher at Neiman's then at Saks. I just purchased a bag at Saks a week ago that was $2025, and Neimans has the exact one in a catalogue for $2225 (same size, same leather, etc.).
Ive seen some bags that are exactly the same (and not on sale) priced a couple hundred dollars higher at Neiman's then at Saks. I just purchased a bag at Saks a week ago that was $2025, and Neimans has the exact one in a catalogue for $2225 (same size, same leather, etc.).

No price control???
No wonder..the gals are confused by SA from diff. deparmental stores... check the price with various stores b4 yr purchases..(so that u will not have to pay a higher px for the same products:yes: )
Do the prices of Chanel pieces differ depending on which department store you go to or whether you go to the Chanel boutique?
Prices are usually the same... but department stores have a more liberal return policy, so I usually prefer to go there.
Ive seen some bags that are exactly the same (and not on sale) priced a couple hundred dollars higher at Neiman's then at Saks. I just purchased a bag at Saks a week ago that was $2025, and Neimans has the exact one in a catalogue for $2225 (same size, same leather, etc.).

So you nabbed a bargain (sort of)!