Buying & returning for discount?

I'll never undserstand stuff like this. I don't know how much that bag is specifically, but how is 25% so different? So, $400 will hurt one financially, but $300 won't?

$100 is pretty significant. Even if you don't need the money (and who doesn't?), you can get some accessories with the difference.
I love PCE! If you have a good relationship with a boutique SA/manager they may do it (adjust the price) for you even if it is longer than the usual time. It doesn't hurt to ask. 25% is a lot!!!!
On ebay they're mainly the '06 model, and I really like the '07 better. and by hurting me financially I mean, it would really hurt my brain more to know I bought something for more than I have to, and that would be all my current money. I'm a college student and these are where most of my money goes to! Anything less helps
You don't need to explain yourself anymore, most of the ladies here understood exactly what you meant.

A savings is a savings, and it never hurts to ask. So take the suggests of the other posters and ask at your local boutique, since you're not near an outlet.

Good luck finding the bag you want, at a price that saves you money...:tup:
btw this is very soon

What she said. Ironically I just got this last night at Coach (I work there, it was on a "delete," and the last one left, and I grabbed it). It's a wonderful wonderful bag and I feel like a princess carrying it.

Also, if you can't get it at the outlets, sometimes you can order them through JAX during PCE events. Try the outlets first though.
the cards always say "not valid on previous purchases"

True but it doesn't hurt to ask. I mentioned the fact that I had bought my Carly a couple of weeks before the Sept PCE when I went in to get my swingpack with it and the SA gave me a price adjustment no problem. And I didn't even ask for it really. It was very nice of her.
I am with you. I bought a Camel Lily because I really wanted one. But I refuse to carry her until I see if there are any for the March PCE. The $200 isn't going to bankrupt me but who wants to spend more than they have to?
I see nothing wrong with doing this. Many people here on TPF buy many bags they are not planning on keeping so that they can take them home and try them on and decide, knowing they will bring some back so I say go for it ! At least you know you will get what you want before there are none available, you might regret it if you don't and then you can't find one again.
The coming-soon PCE is the EXACT reason I am not buying an expensive bag until then...because while the few hundred won't bankrupt me, I'd love to spend it elsewhere if I can!

I hear Legacy stuff is going to the outlets so I would stake out your local outlet and get it there!