Bags of Shame

WOW!! From the first pic it looks pretty cool...I was not expecting it to look as it does...holy manipulation! Someone was good w/the camera to take that first pic. Have you ever used it?

When I saw the title of the thread I was thinking of a coach bag I bought about 2 summers ago and spent about $600 on, used it about twice and then gave it to my 18 year old sister...I had such buyer's remorse on that purchase...but I have nothing that compares to this is one of a kind! I'm sure you could get some money for it on ebay if you state it's "RARE"! I love how everyone says that!! Thanks for sharing!
OMG! i wish i could have seen your face when you opened the package?! not trying to be mean-spirited at all, btw. :P that must have real been a moment though!!
i really hope you had a lot of good bag karma after that. :amuse:

but then, here it is in its full glory, a sheep, with a nasty rash, on a strap! :yucky:


It brings to mind that SATC episode where Samantha is discussing "Bozo the Bush." :graucho:
It is pretty darn bad, Chloe-babe - BUT - I can see why you bought it. One of a kind?! Total fashion in your face dare anybody else to have one???? I'm not going to buy it from you or anything - LOL - but I "understand"!