Amarante and Damier

Mar 13, 2006
I just bought an Amarante Inclusion Keychain a few days ago to put on my Damier Speedy but not sure if they really go together...

Do you think Amarante is too dark to put on a Damier bag??? I just bought a Framboise one from a lovely tPFer (being shipped to me), so I have a lighter one to put on a dark bag.

Should I return the Amarante one???? But the prices are going up...what if I change my mind in the future?:confused1: But then I don't have any light-colored bags to use it with, nor am I planning on buying one...

Need your opinions, please! Thank you!
Hmm, I think you could try both and if you dont liek the amarante one , you could exchange it for a bracelet or something else you could use.