A Little Flight to Hermes

CB Thanks for sharing your lovely trip and cocktail party w/ us! LOVE LOVE LOVE everything you picked out, ESP that scarf ring!! IT's GORGEOUS!! Must ask my SA if our store has one! Love all your pics! Enjoy your goodies in the best of health!
CB it sounds like you had such a wonderful time, and I am so happy to hear of and see all your gorgeous new goodies! I :heart: the cashmeres, especially, but the carnets de bal is also stunning. Neat scarf ring, too! I haven't seen that one in solid metal, before, just the ones with leather accents.

Thanks for sharing your excitement and beautiful new additions with us!
CobaltBlu, I'm in love with your loot, especially the Mousseline. It was a raid. You'll find a clutch that sings to you. Part of the thrill of H is the hunt. I wonder why the SA was so secretive about the Maharani? Congrats! :flowers: