Vernilover's Economic Stimulus Reveal!

omg.....(faint:faint:)...Vernilover, your taste and collection are amazing!!!!! i love looking at all your reveals and breathtaking collection......

thank you so much for sharing:heart::heart:
I don't think they are exclusive to any region.. I believe one is available in London, and couple in the US as well... and maybe Tibet? (jk) :P

Here is a bit more...


I am very sure I saw this in Bond street, London. :heart:
OH ... MY ... GOD ... that Himalaya Birkin is the most gorgeous bag I have ever ever seen!:faint::faint::faint:

Please tell us the story of the Himalaya Birkin - I don't know much about them either but I've heard they are very very very very very VERY rare?!

Enjoy your two new absolutely amazing gorgeous crocs! You have such awesome taste! :heart:
vernilover, your additional collection in a matter of days,weeks or months never cease to amaze me... as you said,you are really catching up with the bags.... i am totally speechless, my jaws are just dropping constantly with every new bag that you show us, and not any regular H bags, the exotic ones with diamonds... :drinkup:Goodness Girl! More power to you!!!!