Trade December PCE Cards Here


Nov 18, 2007
Please, please, please send it to me. I'm a teacher with a modest income. I know exactly what I want; and would truly appreciate your generosity. Please pm me if you have one.

I always see people post new threads and/or post within other threads that they don't want to use their PCE card and are willing to send it to someone else via Snail-Mail. I also see a lot of people post that they haven't received a PCE card and want one.


I figured we could just officially post it all in one thread so everyone can have an equal chance. I didn't see another thread like this so I decided to start one. I hope this isn't a problem.

Post here if you received the December PCE card, don't plan to use it and are willing to mail it to a fellow tPF member.

Post here if you would like a chance to receive a PCE card from a tPF member that isn't going to use the one they received. Obviously, don't post your address on here. Just post that you are interested and hopefully someone will PM you for your information. If you received a response from someone then please let us know on here so others know you already received a card.

Thank you all! :yahoo:
Yes, I am posting in my own thread...

I am interested in a December PCE Card if someone out there is not going to use theirs. I haven't received one and definitely have a use for it.

Thank you! =Þ