Your everyday bag?

Hmm... I don't know if I have one bag that I use over all others~ I usually coordinate my bags with my outfit, so they get used probably equal amounts. I use my Arancia Zucca to carry my notebooks and such for class, so maybe that's my everyday bag? :P
Well, I don't actually own a tokidoki bag, at least, NOT YET (just wait until vancanze comes in......) My bag cost my $7 something from H&M. It's a blue sack that i wear cross shoulder. it's in the shape of U and is light lbue and white. It has a large flap that goes over it with a fake buckle that has a little button clasp thing. It's approximately 8.5" x 8.5". it holds pretty much everything. It's like a bag almost, very floppy.

When I do get a tokidoki, it'd be my weekend/shopping/going out bag. But when I go to work, it's this bag. hehe, I don't want a speck of dirt on my tokidoki bag I will get this winter.