Food What guilty pleasure did you indulge in today?

Obatzder, a Bavarian specialty. Take a little loaf of full-fat Romadur (an extremely smelly cheese, in texture perhaps comparable to brie), mash it up with a fork, rind and all, add a good amount of room-temperature butter, a finely chopped small onion, salt, pepper, a sprinkling of caraway seeds and sweet paprika. Mix it all together with a fork. It needs to be chunky.

Put a heap of this mixture on fresh rye bread - an artery-clogging delight. It sounds strange, but is so delicious.

I saw a recipe similar to this in a vegetarian cookbook recently. You can easily use ripe brie or camembert instead of Romadur to avoid the decidedly pungent odor, while still getting good flavor. Spread a bit on pumpernickel rounds for a new taste treat.