I got a Tiger!!!!

CB that is SO CUTE!!! :heart: Now why did you pick the tiger....do you have a "connecting" reason, or just fell in love with your BEAUTIFUL BAG?.......

and what a great DH you have to take shopping. Is he a little jealous that HE doesn't get to go and meet up with everyone....He's been such a major player in all your H-goodies.:nuts:
Congrats CB! I know that you've been a big fan of the Tiger for quite some time and he looks right at home on your Picotin; actually the colors match really well! Wow, cannot believe that a 32cm Clemence Retourne is $5,900 now!
CB What a cute tiger and it looks sooo happy on ur picotin!! What a great shot of color to an already beautiful bag! BTW, I'm thinking of getting one of those too bc I was born Year of the Tiger.
CB, too cute! I was afraid to read this thread, I was afraid it might be a real tiger, you never know!!!

I am thrilled you got this little goodie, it is perfection on your picotin.
(I got a little tumble in my stomach when I saw the phrase "tons of Bolides"--I am worried about HHeels!)
Thank you all soooo much! :yahoo: I am really excited!

anHL, I just fell in love with the Tiger plus I am a Detroit Tigers baseball fan so it works. :wlae: LOL I know DH is sorry, he will miss seeing everyone. He'll be in DC. :sad:

I know, I was almost scared to ask what they had in the way of Bolides because I was afraid they'd have the "perfect" one so I tried not to think about it. :sweatdrop: