I got to meet Sarah-Girl today at Hermes!

It was so wonderful to meet Hannah and Japster:smile: !!! Hannah even made me the most incredible muffins which I have devoured --- she is the sweetest little girl. We looked at some beautiful Kellys, but Japster's Blue Saphir Birkin was the prettiest bag in the shop and I think that several people actually wanted to buy it. I had so much fun, but was still a little fluish, so went home and took a nap of all things. A thorough tour of Hermes is bound to wear a girl out, ;) ! Thanks for the great day, E!!!
E, you and Hannah are both stunning (my six-year-old son thinks Hannah is adorable!) but where is the pic of you and Sarah together? I know Sarah can be camera shy, but we've coaxed pix out of her before! LOL!!

Sounds like you guys had a great time together. Congrats on the awesome scarf. I love it when the SA's are so nice to our kids!

You and your DD look adorable. I love your new scarf. I got it for Xmas from my DH, but mine is in black. It's called Belles de Mexique, and I love it. Congrats!